How to spend your first fortnight at UoN

Posted 2 weeks ago

Start your uni life off right

As you start your university adventure in Nottingham, you might be wondering how you should get things rolling. The first couple of weeks on campus can be a bit of a whirlwind, but we are here to help. We've got a good mix of practical and fun suggestions on how you should spend your first couple of weeks with us.

Attend fresher events and join societies

A great way to get a headstart socially is by spending your first weeks going to events organised by the uni and the Student Union. You will be able to get involved with lots of events that are great for meeting fellow students and like-minded people. Mingle your way to new friends and connections that will last you through uni and beyond. We'd recommend signing up for a few societies or clubs taster days too and joining the ones you like the most.

Explore your campus

Get your bearings by having a good wander around the campuses. We are lucky to have so much nature on and near campus, as well as lots of facilities and points of interest. Navigating your way around campus is easy and most things are within walking distance, so exploring will be an easy, fun and productive thing to do.

Don't forget about the rest of the city

Once you've seen enough of campus, you'll want to venture further out to the rest of the city, where you'll find even more fun things to do! You can go it alone but why not organise a day out with your flatmates or anyone you meet at the fresher events? It will be a great way to form new bonds and create memories with new people.

Eat as much as possible

All that exploring is bound to make you hungry so why not stuff yourself with delicious food? You'll find a tonne of cool restaurants with a variety of cuisines and student-friendly prices. Be on the lookout for deals and you'll be able to time your visits for the best prices. We'd recommend trying this cute little independent Japanese restaurant called Kushi-ya for mouth-watering skewers. 

Enjoy a bit of nature too

The great outdoors is around every corner in Nottingham and you'll find lots of green spaces close to campus. Nature can be the best way to relax if you're feeling a little stressed in your first couple of weeks or the perfect spot to exercise and stay active.

Make the most of every moment during those first two weeks, knowing that there's a lot more to come!