Building a better community: Tailgating

Posted 1 month ago

One swipe, one person

Your university halls are more than just a place to sleep – they're your home. And like any home, safety and security should always come first, which is why it is important to consider the danger of tailgating

What is tailgating?

Tailgating happens when someone enters a secure building by following closely behind someone else, without using their own keycard. 

While it might seem harmless, it can compromise the safety of everyone in your building. 

Think about it – it's easy to assume that someone walking in behind you belongs there, but without their own access, how can you be sure? 

University halls are designed with secure access systems for a reason: to keep you, your belongings and the wider community safe. 

How you can help

Preventing tailgating is simple and only takes a few seconds. Here's how you can play your part in keeping your halls secure: 

  1. Always use your keycard - make it a habit to use your keycard every time you enter. Don't rely on others to let you in. Also avoid sharing your keycard with anyone else, as you could be responsible for their behaviour. 
  2. Politely stop tailgaters - if someone tries to follow you in without swiping their own card, politely ask them to use their access card. If they belong there, they'll understand. 
  3. Report suspicious activity - if you notice someone loitering near an entry point or trying to gain access without a card, let your hall's security or reception team know. 
  4. Be mindful of social situations - even if the person is friendly or seems familiar, stick to the rules.

Keep in mind that it's not about being unkind; it's about keeping everyone safe. 

Guests in halls

If you want a guest to stay with you in halls, you're more than welcome to. However, you need to sign them in via an online form for fire and safety purposes.

You will be responsible for your visitors' behaviour during their stay, so please ensure that they follow resident rules.

Remember, building security is everyone's responsibility. By using your own keycard and encouraging others to do the same, you're helping to create a safer environment for you and your fellow students. 

If you are having major problems, don't hesitate to contact the ResX team:

☎️ 0115 748 7600


For more immediate support please contact your reception team.